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Reverse Linked List-2
- Authors
- Name
- Alex Noh
Given the head of a singly linked list and two integers left and right where left <= right
, reverse the nodes of the list from position left
to position right
, and return the reversed list.
1. Using recursion
To reverse a linked list using recursion, we create a function named reverse
. This function takes two parameters: node
, the current node being processed, and prev
, which points to the previous node. We start the recursion from the head
of the list and call the reverse()
function recursively.
Here's the implementation:
def reverse_linked_list_ii(head: Optional[ListNode], left: int, right: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
# If the list is empty or the left and right positions are the same, no changes are needed
if not head or (left == right):
return head
# 'root' is a dummy node that references the very beginning of the list
# 'start' node will be a node that points to the first node being reversed.
root = start = ListNode(None)
root.next = head
# Move 'start' to the node immediately before the reversal starts
for _ in range(left - 1):
start = start.next
# 'end' will point to the first node to be reversed.
# 'end' will be named as such because it will literally be the 'end' of reversed list
end = start.next
# Perform the reversal between 'left' and 'right'
for _ in range(right - left):
moving = end.next
end.next = moving.next
moving.next = start.next
start.next = moving
return root.next